
Britain Leaving Globalist Trade Union

September 11, 2020

With all the faux outrage surrounding the fake news generated around President Trump and the November election, you might be missing what’s going on across the big pond. It seems Great Britain may be planning on breaking international law in regards to its recently negotiated Brexit deal.

Who cares? You should! As it may have direct ramifications on your freedom and independence after the election. We’ll explain and suggest ways you can help in this episode of Activate America, getting active to throw off government tyranny.

Action Items

  1. Apply for membership in The John Birch Society today:
  2. Download the “Action for Activists” PDF for ideas of what to do:
  3. a. Log in to (members-only)
  4. b. Hover over Member Forms, click on “Search All Forms”
  5. and type in “Action for Activists.” Use either of the two files that come up.